Shelf Reliance, maker of the famous rotating shelf system, is holding a Messiest Pantry Contest. It began on 19 April with contestants submitting photos of their messy pantries or food storage rooms along with a description of why they deserved the makeover. The entries have been narrowed to five semi-finalists which are now competing in an online poll on Shelf Reliance’s blog to be one of the three winners. Continue reading “Messiest pantry contest: cast your vote”
Skills as a prep
A few weeks ago a guest author on a popular preparation blog discussed the value of gardening as a resource. He put forth the opinion that while he enjoys gardening as a pastime, the decision as to whether to engage in it should be based solely around time and cost. Citing the inability to move a garden in an emergency and the amount of labor required to get to harvest, he concluded that it is better to save your seeds for a bug-out and expend today’s efforts and money on a trip to the grocery store. “It’s all about time,” he says, “not a skill or desire.” Continue reading “Skills as a prep”
Shelf Reliance event at Utah Costco locations
Starting yesterday, April 2nd, the Orem Costco and the Sandy Costco are again hosting their Food Rotation System special event. They are offering the Shelf Reliance can rotating shelves for $269 which is a great price. If you have been planning on purchasing one of these systems, now is a great time to get your Food Storage organized with these great products and save some money at the same time.
Based on the Costco Special Events file, the Orem and Sandy Costcos will be hosting this event from April second to April eleventh.
The West Valley Costco location will be hosting the same event April sixteenth to twenty-fifth.
Self Reliance Class April 7th in Spanish Fork
Self Reliance Class “On the Road to Preparedness”
Taught by Debbie Kent who is a preparedness/food storage specialist in her stake in California. Debbie has taught numerous classes on every aspect of preparedness and has consented to share the latest up to date methods and ideas on how we can each secure what we need for the future.
Tuesday April 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Fork South Stake House
1240 South 1158 East
Spanish Fork, UT
Here is the PDF handout for the class. [download id=”4″]
Alpine Storage Overages
Our friends over at Alpine Food Storage recently sent out some emails about some overstocks they currently have. If you are in Utah, this is a great chance to go browse and pick up some of those deals you might have missed from previous group buys. If you have some tax refund money left, here’s a great way to use some of it.
To Bee or not to Bee?
A brief Story of the 3 B’s and the Bees
By Guest Author Bryan Esquivel

My name is Bryan. I am one of the 3 B’s. The three B’s are as follows: Bryan, Brian, and then there’s the other Bryan. I tell you that so you don’t get us confused. We are all beekeepers. If you were to tell any one of us a few years ago that we would be beekeepers, we all would have told you that you were stone cold crazy! Yet here we all are keeping honeybees…..and loving it!!! So…what happened?
Continue reading “To Bee or not to Bee?”
Beginning Bee Keeping Class in Orem
Beginning Beekeeper’s Class
March 20th (6pm-10pm) and March 21st (10am-4pm). Friday’s class is all instruction, Saturday’s class is instruction plus the possibility of an in apiary portion.
1206 South 1680 West, Orem, UT.
$20 per person; $30 for couples.
Description of Class:
This class is aimed towards the first year beekeeper who is looking gain basic knowledge about bees, the problems, swarming, honey harvests etc.
Continue reading “Beginning Bee Keeping Class in Orem”
Review: Life Caps

Life Caps are a new and fairly recent product on the market in the emergency preparedness category. I’ve heard of them on a few websites, and then I attended an emergency preparedness fair last weekend where several women were recommending them.
The product is promoted as an “emergency preparedness pill”—you take one capsule three times daily, along with drinking plenty of water, in order to provide your body the nutrients it needs throughout the day. The creators claim that these pills satisfy your body’s needs such that you aren’t hungry for food, which is ideal in an emergency scenario if you don’t have access to your normal daily amount of food.
Shelf Reliance Recipe Contest
Do you have a favorite recipe for using your food storage? Maybe a comfort food your family wouldn’t want to go without, or something that makes excellent use fo the basics? Well here’s a good chance to show your stuff, and have a chance to win some *awesome* prizes. Our friends at Shelf Reliance are having a recipe contest this month.
There’s some seriously nice prizes too:
- 1st Place = One (1) Harvest Food Rotation System ($459 value)
- 2nd Place = THRIVE Fruits and Veggies Essential Package ($283 value)
- 3rd Place = Three (3) Cansolidator Pantry systems ($135 value)
Entries can be emailed to [email protected]. For more information, such as the rules and details, go check out their page.
Also, go ahead and send along your favorite recipe to me, and we’ll post them up on the site here. Of course, just watch out because I’ve got a few recipes up my sleeve, and I’m gunning for that #1 prize myself :)
Learning From the Pioneers
Many know that Utah was originally settled by Mormon Pioneers, I’m a descendant of those pioneers from 8 different family lines on my Mother’s side. The Mormon Pioneers crossed the plains from Illinois to Utah in covered wagons, handcarts and many on foot. Many of them buried family and loved ones under a pile of rocks on their way here. It was a harrowing experience the like of which will hopefully never be repeated.
Review: Tomorrow’s Harvest freeze-dried food

There are several markets that are booming in the current economic climate, and one of those is emergency preparedness and food storage. People are quickly realizing that fiat dollars and credit cards won’t feed the family, and are working quickly to stock up on needed supplies. Many people are flying blind in their pursuit of food storage, and are unsure as to what to store.
Filling this niche and marketing themselves to these customers (and others), several companies offering freeze-dried products have begun to more aggressively promote their products and fill a need in the marketplace. I looked into several companies based in Utah, and ultimately ended up making a small purchase through Tomorrow’s Harvest.
Continue reading “Review: Tomorrow’s Harvest freeze-dried food”
Review: Shelf Reliance Cansolidator Pantry
By now I’m sure all of our readers have had time to gawk at the wonderful photos in previous posts showing large shelving units with impressive amounts of canned foods with a nice rotation system built in. These Shelf Reliance products are favorites of the folks around here. A wonderful local company delivering something we all love. But let’s face it. Not all of us have room for a large shelving unit, or maybe we just cant afford it. Better yet, maybe you’re like me and you have one, but you also really need a way to rotate a few cans that are in your kitchen too. And as impressive as the rack is, it just doesn’t quite match the decor of the kitchen.
Enter two other products made by the same company, the Cansolidator ‘Cupboard’, and the ‘Pantry’. Two smaller sized roller systems designed for use in your kitchen/pantry/closet. Continue reading “Review: Shelf Reliance Cansolidator Pantry”