Davis County HAM Radio Class: March 17th 2012

Reader erixun72 sent along a link to the Davis County Amateur Radio Club‘s posting about their upcoming radio class and test. If you’ve seen our posting’s about the Utah County tests, and figured it was too far of a drive, maybe this is a bit closer to you.  There’s never been a better time to get your license, as you can quickly find a local community getting ready for the Utah Shakeout and help out.

If you know of any other classes, please send them along via our contact form, or if you want to post directly, let us know and you can post too. To attend the class, just follow the instructions below.

From the site:

Take a one day class to help you prepare for the 35 question test to qualify for a Technician class license. Learn about local repeaters, Voice and Digital modes of Communication, Satellite Communications and more.

~You must register prior to March 12th to attend

~WHEN? Saturday, March 17th 2012 (from 08:00AM to 5:00PM)

Test starts at 2:00PM ,(Yes we will have paper tests)

WHERE? North Salt Lake City Hall, Training Room, 10th E., Center St.

Cost? ($15 to cover cost of the test)

Register/Info Gary Davis, 801-865-0299, [email protected]


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