Congratulations are in order for all those who earned their Technician class license at the last one day class!
The class was quite successful. 29 students. 26 earned their license. It is really quite easy with a little studying!
Class Details
I must limit the size to 40 people so sign up early to reserve a spot. If you must cancel please let me know immediately so I can free up a slot for someone else. I only had 29 come to the class in September so 10 did not show. I had several people who wanted to come but I told them the class was full. Please cancel if you will not be coming to make room for someone else!!
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When and Where
One Day Ham Radio Class for the Technician (entry level) license.
Saturday, Oct. 17th, 2009 7:30am to 5pm
Room 276 in the Howard W. Hunter Law library in the J Reuben Clarke law building (JRCB) on BYU campus.
If you get lost ask someone on campus. We start before the library opens so be on time so you can be let in. Park in the lot immediately east of the law building. Don’t park in the restricted areas like Dean’s spot, delivery etc….Enter through the right set of the east facing doors just left of the service entrance and go halfway down the hall and turn right. You are now facing 3 doors with the elevator on your left. go through the door on the right that has the large round sign “caution automatic door”. Go through the detectors by the main entrance and past the circulation desk. Room 276 has a green blinking light right next to the door to your left about 100 feet in. I have an interior map I will send if you want.
A map of campus is here: LINK
Click on “Campus Map” in the lower left. It is building #19 on the map; the J. Reuben Clark building JRCB.
Another map is here: PDF
It is building #20 in this map.
GPS N 40 14.977′ W 111 38.718′
From 7:30am to noon is classroom instruction and then a break for lunch between noon and 1pm. Bring a lunch or you can buy lunch at several places close by on and off campus. Between 1pm and 5pm is self study using a computer program. When you are ready, in the afternoon, you may take the exam. You don’t have to take the test that day if you are not ready and would like to study more.
There are only a handful of computers available for self-study in the afternoon. Every student who can needs to bring a laptop that runs MikeRowesoft Windows. Borrow a laptop if you don’t have one. Bring an extra laptop if you don’t mind loaning it. The room we will be using has power at every seat for a laptop. I also have a CD for Linux and Mactel (The newer Mac that has an Intel microprocessor) laptops if you can boot off the CD drive. If you have access to a laptop but don’t want to install the program I have a disk that will allow you to run the program without installing it (this is great if the laptop is not yours or if it was borrowed from work).
There is no charge to take the class but the cost of taking the test is $14.00. You also need to bring two forms of ID, one preferably with a picture. The electronic form you will fill out requires your Social Security number (thanks to congress….). We do not put your SSN on any forms we keep or send in. The most common mistake is forgetting ID and a Social Security number for those under 18…… Don’t forget!!
No programmable calculators…..The test is given on computer and graded immediately. Specific instructions how to run the program will be given. It is similar to practice exams available on the Internet.
E-mail nv7v *AT* ucares.org (preferred) or call Steve or Susan N7QZU (801-465-3983) to let me know if you are coming and bringing a laptop (please bring one… beg, beg….bring extra laptops if you can).
Don’t forget:
$14 check or cash
Laptop if possible
–2 FORMS OF ID and a Social Security Number– !!
Oh… and just in case I forgot…… don’t forget to bring two forms of ID, one preferably with a picture. These qualify as ID: SSN card, driver’s license, CCW permit, library card and just about any document issued by a government entity. Credit cards are not ID.
If you have any questions please e-mail me.
nv7v *AT* burgoyne.com
Do you leave the class with your license or is there more to do after the class as well?
If you pass the test, you walk out with your temporary cert, but you don't get your callsign until a little later, but it's only like a week or two usually.
The permissions that gives you is part of the class
I attended the last class and had a great time. I highly recommend taking the practice tests at http://www.qrz.com/xtest2.html . Start off practicing the technician tests and when you are passing the technician tests consistently with >90%, move on to the general tests. If you are feeling really adventurous, when you consistently pass the general tests with >90% then start working on the Extra tests.
I highly recommend using the “Wait for correct” option when you first start taking the example tests on QRZ because it will allow you to learn as you go.
If you study well, you can pass all the tests with one test fee in one day.
I only had the time to study for the technician and general so I didn't pass the extra, but it is well worth it to try and at least get your general license because of the larger range of frequencies you will be allowed to operate in.
Another added benefit to practicing ahead of time is that you can sit back and listen and enjoy the instruction and take the test with no stress.
The instructors are great and made this a very enjoyable experience. If I were to change anything it would have been to buy a radio before the class so I was ready to go when I received my call sign.
Do you leave the class with your license or is there more to do after the class as well?
If you pass the test, you walk out with your temporary cert, but you don't get your callsign until a little later, but it's only like a week or two usually.
The permissions that gives you is part of the class
I attended the last class and had a great time. I highly recommend taking the practice tests at http://www.qrz.com/xtest2.html . Start off practicing the technician tests and when you are passing the technician tests consistently with >90%, move on to the general tests. If you are feeling really adventurous, when you consistently pass the general tests with >90% then start working on the Extra tests.
I highly recommend using the “Wait for correct” option when you first start taking the example tests on QRZ because it will allow you to learn as you go.
If you study well, you can pass all the tests with one test fee in one day.
I only had the time to study for the technician and general so I didn't pass the extra, but it is well worth it to try and at least get your general license because of the larger range of frequencies you will be allowed to operate in.
Another added benefit to practicing ahead of time is that you can sit back and listen and enjoy the instruction and take the test with no stress.
The instructors are great and made this a very enjoyable experience. If I were to change anything it would have been to buy a radio before the class so I was ready to go when I received my call sign.