Life Caps are a new and fairly recent product on the market in the emergency preparedness category. I’ve heard of them on a few websites, and then I attended an emergency preparedness fair last weekend where several women were recommending them.
The product is promoted as an “emergency preparedness pill”—you take one capsule three times daily, along with drinking plenty of water, in order to provide your body the nutrients it needs throughout the day. The creators claim that these pills satisfy your body’s needs such that you aren’t hungry for food, which is ideal in an emergency scenario if you don’t have access to your normal daily amount of food.
I got a bottle early this week and decided to give them a try. I’ve heard from a few other people who have used them, and apparently they’ve felt great, had plenty of energy, didn’t feel hungry, and even lost weight (though Life Caps are not positioned as a weight loss product). Since I’m skin and bones already, that part wasn’t too alluring.
For my “experiment” I wanted to simulate a realistic food consumption situation that might occur in an emergency. I cannot picture a scenario where I would have no food available, since my bugout bags and locations have food prepared for me and my family. Thus, I saw no point in abstaining from food altogether while testing the Life Caps out. What I did instead was to consume the types and amount of food I might have available in an emergency situation while also taking the Life Caps pills.
Today and yesterday, I took a capsule at each normal mealtime, drank plenty of water throughout the day, and ate small portions of food—two small muffins for breakfast, a piece of fruit for lunch, a granola bar for an afternoon snack, and then a small dinner dish in the evening.
The amount of food I ate was probably 1/3 – 1/4 of the amount I would normally eat, yet I felt content and did not have any hunger pangs. One might argue that the increase in my average water consumption was a contributing factor, and I would agree. So, it’s hard to ascribe one specific effect to the Life Caps themselves when other factors in my diet were changing as a result of the experiment as well. But in times past when I’ve had a lot of water to drink, I still craved a healthy portion of food to go along with it. This time around, the little food I had (in addition to the pills) seemed to be enough.
The product’s website features a video with the creator who (as he claims) used the capsules alone (with water, of course) for 17 days and felt he was running at a 90% capacity. Again, I can’t envision a scenario where I would have to go this long (or even one day) without access to food. But hey, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to have these “super vitamins” (as I call them) to supplement your nutrition and help however they might.
Note that the Life Caps do not contain any stimulants that are so popular these days in energy drinks and the like. If the stated ingredients are to be believed, then these pills are simply mega-vitamins that boost your nutritional intake. If that’s the case, it might be a good idea to compare them to other similar products in terms of price and shelf life. I’m told that the company is willing to offer discounts for group buys, for what its worth.
So, the million dollar question: would I recommend Life Caps to others for inclusion in their preparedness supplies? Well, first I would recommend actually storing real food. Once that is all squared away, I do think it’s wise to have vitamins and supplements on hand as well to round out the nutritional value of whatever you’ll be consuming. Life Caps claim to get the nutrients into the bloodstream quickly (they are gelatin capsules with powder inside, as opposed to hard, compact vitamins that must be digested and broken down). Perhaps that’s the advantage that sets them apart from the rest. At this point, I’m still a little ambivalent.
I should also note that the company’s website makes this statement:
Again, I don’t see the point of taking it on an empty stomach if you have additional food there to supplement your intake. But who knows. :)
I should also note that the company’s website makes this statement:
Again, I don’t see the point of taking it on an empty stomach if you have additional food there to supplement your intake. But who knows. :)
If they *really* work as you describe, they’re missing a HUGE market by ignoring the weight-loss folk. That market’s 10-20 times larger than the survival market!
Bruce, with all due respect, if you think that the weight loss market is only “10-20 times larger than the survival market,” you are spending WAY too much time on survival boards. ;)
If they *really* work as you describe, they’re missing a HUGE market by ignoring the weight-loss folk. That market’s 10-20 times larger than the survival market!
These pills are fantastic! After a lot of research, we have found that the best price on these is through http://www.ThrivingHive.com We were just searching for utah food storage on google and they came up in our results. It seemed like the site was just launched because their merchant account isn’t activated yet. So we did a little more research and contacted the owner, Jason. He was very helpful and was able to work out a great group discount as well. He also had a pretty good post about LifeCaps on his blog: http://www.ThrivingHive.com/blog From what I’ve seen, these guys have the best priced emergency supplies on the internet. Stay safe, BG
These pills are fantastic! After a lot of research, we have found that the best price on these is through http://www.ThrivingHive.com We were just searching for utah food storage on google and they came up in our results. It seemed like the site was just launched because their merchant account isn’t activated yet. So we did a little more research and contacted the owner, Jason. He was very helpful and was able to work out a great group discount as well. He also had a pretty good post about LifeCaps on his blog: http://www.ThrivingHive.com/blog From what I’ve seen, these guys have the best priced emergency supplies on the internet. Stay safe, BG
I am also a true believer in life Caps. I think that everyone should have a bottle in their home, car, breifcase, etc. In case of emergency it is best to be prepared and if food was unavailable you could easily sustain yourself on Life Caps and Water. I have found that the best place to purchase Life Caps is directly from the source, http://www.lifecaps.net. Use coupon code GO CAPS to recieve 33% off!
I am also a true believer in life Caps. I think that everyone should have a bottle in their home, car, breifcase, etc. In case of emergency it is best to be prepared and if food was unavailable you could easily sustain yourself on Life Caps and Water. I have found that the best place to purchase Life Caps is directly from the source, http://www.lifecaps.net. Use coupon code GO CAPS to recieve 33% off!
Thank you for the coupon code GOCAPS. It worked great! I was able to save quite a bit off of my purchase and bought the whole family a 72hr kit. Great product and now I have peace of mind knowing my family will be prepared if something happened and they were with out food. Thanks again.
Thank you for the coupon code GOCAPS. It worked great! I was able to save quite a bit off of my purchase and bought the whole family a 72hr kit. Great product and now I have peace of mind knowing my family will be prepared if something happened and they were with out food. Thanks again.
Well I’m here to say, the weight loss market has already gotten wind of this pill. I bet he didn’t want to directly compete with the big boys, because people in business play dirty.
This pill could probably not only be used for emergency or weight loss, but think of third world nations that have no nutrition. I watch a lot of reports of nations that can grow food, but due to cash crops, don’t grow food for local consumption and the local population starves and dies. Forget drought and famine, these people are dieing due to lack of nutrition from their own farmers. This pill could help those nations.
[exit soap box]
Well I’m here to say, the weight loss market has already gotten wind of this pill. I bet he didn’t want to directly compete with the big boys, because people in business play dirty.
This pill could probably not only be used for emergency or weight loss, but think of third world nations that have no nutrition. I watch a lot of reports of nations that can grow food, but due to cash crops, don’t grow food for local consumption and the local population starves and dies. Forget drought and famine, these people are dieing due to lack of nutrition from their own farmers. This pill could help those nations.
[exit soap box]
Thanks for the review, Conor. I am looking for more reviews of this product that don’t appear to come from someone’s marketing dept. Most of these comments look like they’re coming from people who may benefit from your interest and purchase. I suppose it won’t kill me to try a $30 bottle and do my own tests…
Thanks for the review, Conor. I am looking for more reviews of this product that don’t appear to come from someone’s marketing dept. Most of these comments look like they’re coming from people who may benefit from your interest and purchase. I suppose it won’t kill me to try a $30 bottle and do my own tests…
I recently started an experiment with lifecaps and have found good results with hunger curbing. It has assisted with my weight loss because I am not hungry. I whole-heartedly recommend these pills. I found a coupon code for LifeCaps for $10 off any bottle – the code is Good Life. It is currently working on any product.
I recently started an experiment with lifecaps and have found good results with hunger curbing. It has assisted with my weight loss because I am not hungry. I whole-heartedly recommend these pills. I found a coupon code for LifeCaps for $10 off any bottle – the code is Good Life. It is currently working on any product.
“Life Caps” just came out with “Fight Caps”! Designed for fighters/wrestlers trying to make weight. Coupon code “Go Caps” works as well and you still save 33%.
Use coupon code Go Caps at check out and you'll save 33%.
Use coupon code Go Caps at check out and you'll save 33%.
“Life Caps” just came out with “Fight Caps”! Designed for fighters/wrestlers trying to make weight. Coupon code “Go Caps” works as well and you still save 33%.
Use coupon code Go Caps at check out and you'll save 33%.
Use coupon code Go Caps at check out and you'll save 33%.
I read about a discount offer for this product on ez saver. It seems that lots of people really like it.
Thanks for the review. This sounds like a great product, and i was very interested… until i saw take 3x a day, and $3/day seems a lot for what you're getting.
I compared the ingredients on their label with the ingredients on my Kirkland Signature Premium Performance Multivitamin. The two seem pretty close. It seems to me that, in the presence of other food, the Multi would be a more economical and healthier choice in a survival situation. As for weight loss, though, maybe LifeCaps are wonder-pills.
Actually 3$/day compared to other products on the market, well, it is quite cheap. Other weight loss products cost about 300$/month so that means 10$/day.
easy saver