Make some noise

Average Pea whistle
Average Pea whistle

An important piece of any Bug out Kit is a way to make a whole lot of noise. You need some way to create some attention-getting noise that can really travel the distance. This tool is a way to get the attention of a search party if you are lost or injured, as well as a way of helping find somebody who is lost. But all whistles are not created equal. Some are bulky, some are tiny, some have Pea’s, some don’t. How do you know which you should get? Well, I was recently pointed to a site via edcforums to an excellent PSK whistle review (PSK). Go check it out before you buy your whistle, it’ll help in selecting.

This review covers that which is most important about whistles, how loud they are. He actually gives the average decibel rating for each one when blown by an adult, as well as by a child. Very interesting data, as well as some simple firsthand experience with those he found worthwhile.

And if you feel like buying one:

[amtap amazon:asin=B000TYTY86]

[amtap amazon:asin=B00127CE90]

[amtap amazon:asin=B000LGGY6M]

[amtap amazon:asin=B00020T3R4]

[amtap amazon:asin=B001H9N8CU]

3 Replies to “Make some noise”

  1. Your timing on this post is excellent! Last night I was going over whistle usage with my kids, the whistle I have for each of them wasn’t in this review and I have no idea if it blows over 100 decibels or not.

    This is the whistle I use and have for all my kids:

    I really like this whistle for them because in one simple carry item it incorporates a whistle, compass, matches (in a dry carry socket), flint and a signal mirror. I have one in each of our BOBs and several that the kids can use when they go out.

    Another important use of whistles is re-joining if you’re separated. I’ve heard several stories of hikers who have gotten split up for one reason or another and through both using whistles they were able to make their way back to each other.

  2. Your timing on this post is excellent! Last night I was going over whistle usage with my kids, the whistle I have for each of them wasn’t in this review and I have no idea if it blows over 100 decibels or not.

    This is the whistle I use and have for all my kids:

    I really like this whistle for them because in one simple carry item it incorporates a whistle, compass, matches (in a dry carry socket), flint and a signal mirror. I have one in each of our BOBs and several that the kids can use when they go out.

    Another important use of whistles is re-joining if you’re separated. I’ve heard several stories of hikers who have gotten split up for one reason or another and through both using whistles they were able to make their way back to each other.

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